Archive for the ‘Nieuws’ Category

Presentations KVAN days

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

(Nederlands) Op 14 en 15 juni 2010 vonden in Kerkrade de jaarlijkse KVAN-dagen plaats. CATCHPlus verzorgde een sessie op dinsdag 15 juni waarbij nader ingegaan werd op twee deelprojecten. Bekijk hier de presentaties die gegeven werden.


CATCHPlus presentation on CATCH Agora symposium

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

(Nederlands) Vrijdag 11 juni vond het CATCH Agora symposium plaats in het Amsterdams Historisch Museum.
De presentatie die gegeven werd door Julia Vytopil en Hennie Brugman is hier te bekijken.


CATCHPlus newsletter 3

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

CATCHPlus Newsletter 3 June 3rd, 2010 In this newsletter: CATCHPlus enables wider use of GTAA Thesaurus Presentation Vocabulary Repository in Heritage Thesauruses Group June 11: CATCHPlus on CATCH Meeting, Amsterdams Historisch Museum June 15: CATCHPlus on KVAN days Collaboration between National Archive and Target Holding BV For the CATCHPlus subproject Scratch4All, the National Archive is […]


Collaboration between National Archive and Target Holding BV

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

(Nederlands) Voor het CATCHPlus onderdeel Scratch4All bereidt het Nationaal Archief een samenwerking voor met het Groningse bedrijf Target Holding BV.


Presentation Vocabulary Repository in Heritage Thesauruses Group

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

(Nederlands) Op 21 mei heeft Hennie Brugman van het CATCHPlus projectbureau in de Werkgroep Erfgoedthesauri bijeenkomst, georganiseerd door DEN, een presentatie gehouden over de CATCHPlus vocabulary repository.


June 23-24: Open EUscreen workshop on Metadata Schemes and Content Selection Policies

Wednesday, May 12th, 2010

EUscreen has organised a two-day workshop on metadata schemes and content selection strategies in the audiovisual domain, to be held in Mykonos town, Greece on June 23 and 24. The workshop will focus on the presentation and analysis of metadata schemes and content selection policies within major European projects in general and EUscreen in particular, […]


CATCHPlus enables wider use of GTAA Thesaurus

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Techniques developed in CATCHPlus, allowed the Gemeenschappelijke Thesaurus Audiovisuele Archieven (GTAA) Thesaurus, used and managed by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, to become available for multiple institutions. The GTAA was developed in collaboration with EYE (the former Filmmuseum), in order to make audiovisual material as accessible as possible for a wide audience. The […]


CATCHPlus newsletter 2

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

The CATCHPlus newsletter sent on March 22nd can be viewed here: CATCHPlus Nieuwsbrief 2


CLARIN – Big Grid infrastructure landscape workshop

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

On March 8, 2010, CLARIN and Big Grid together organized a workshop to sketch the Dutch ICT infrastructure landscape. Such a landscape description gives an overview of available and possible services and environments for scientists and cultural heritage. The aim was to identify key factors and needs, by explicitly focusing on practical examples and applications. […]


CATCHPlus on EuropeanaConnect: Persistent Identifier Meeting

Friday, February 26th, 2010

On february 17-18 CATCHPlus participated in and contributed to the EuropeanaConnect ERDS (Europeana Resolution Discovery Service) meeting at the German National Library in Frankfurt.